
On Friday, June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court issued a ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges and three related cases, effectively legalizing same-sex marriage in all 50 states. This signifies that any couple in any state can legally marry and enjoy the same benefits as a heterosexual couple. The rights extend to Social Security, taxes, employee  →

Attorney Mathew Higbee was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article entitled, “Fight Grows to Stop Expunged Criminal Records Living On in Background Checks,” which illustrates the often overlooked problem of background check companies and websites that continue to report arrests and criminal convictions after a court has granted an expungement. It is unfortunately a  →

Attorney Mathew Higbee of Higbee & Associates gave a presentation at an event for veterans at The California Endowment Conference Center in Los Angeles on the 27th of January. The daylong event, entitled “The Fundamentals of Providing Legal Services to Veterans and Military Members,”  was sponsored by the Veterans Legal Institute and the University of Southern California (USC).  →