Higbee & Associates will be speaking at a criminal record expungement workshop at the Buena Park One-Stop Center on Tuesday, February 14, 2012, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The event is designed to help people that are unable to obtain employment due to criminal convictions and are unable to afford representation.

For expungement services:

Please visit RecordGone.com. Criminal expungement, probation termination, and online mugshot removal are just a few of the services RecordGone provides.


The workshop will cover the eligibility requirements and benefits of expunging or clearing a criminal record, assist with the completion of the expungement motion, and advise the attendees on how to file the paperwork and complete the expungement process.


Higbee & Associates believes it is important to clear a person’s record as much as possible before attempting to gain employment. With the current state of the economy it is difficult to obtain employment, even without a criminal conviction on your record; therefore, it is very important to appear as desirable on employment applications as possible.


Higbee & Associates is a national law firm that has helped more than 7,000 people successfully clear their criminal record. The law firm’s criminal record clearing division is promoted as www.RecordGone.com.