On June 17, 2011, Higbee & Associates held a pro bono workshop entitled, “How to Clean Up Your Rap Sheet” at Taller San Jose in Santa Ana, California. Attorneys Mathew Higbee and Natasha Buchanan joined other employees of Higbee & Associates in helping educate over 40 individuals on how to apply for post-conviction relief such as expungement or arrest record sealing.

Since 1995, Taller San Jose has helped more than 4,000 high-risk young adults to restructure their lives, finish high school and develop marketable skills. Their program has consistently reduced criminal recidivism and increased youth success.

One of the legal assistants from Higbee & Associates stated, ” It was such a great event to see individuals regain the hope that they had lost and it was inspiring to know that this service will help them move on with their lives.”

This pro bono project is a part of Higbee & Associates ongoing commitment to serving individuals and communities who typically cannot afford to pay for legal assistance. Higbee & Associates provides more than 250 hours of free legal advice each year and encourages qualified non-profit organizations to contact them for free assistance.

Expungement Case Managers

Expungement Case Managers

Expungement Case Managers